Kickapoo Valley Forest School FAQs
Updated January 2025
What is a Forest School?
Forest School education gives students an opportunity to grow and learn from hands-on experiences with nature. We understand that extended periods of time in nature are beneficial to children academically, physically and emotionally. In our Forest School we use experiences in nature to broaden and develop necessary life skills. For example, building shelters and forts uses a child’s cognitive and creative skills of attention, memory, observation and idea generation. Climbing, carrying logs, and hiking strengthen a child’s physical skills of balance, coordination, and endurance. Learning to problem-solve with peers sharpens social and emotional skills. Offering the child daily opportunities to inquire about fascinating discoveries builds academic and cognitive skills such as inference and observation skills. Children gain an understanding of themselves and the world around them while exploring and making discoveries through play in nature, all the while building a lasting connection to and respect for the natural world.
Tell us about the partnership between the La Farge School District and the Kickapoo Valley Reserve.
The Kickapoo Valley Reserve (KVR) and the La Farge School District (LFSD) have a long-standing tradition of working together to offer students opportunities to engage with the land and community on the KVR through school-wide service learning days, summer camps, integration of the KVR property and history into curriculum and coursework, a pilot 4K Friday program and much more. The students and staff at the LFSD and KVR have worked together for many years. When the idea emerged to write a charter school grant through the Department of Public Instruction, it was a natural fit for the LFSD to be intricately involved in the planning process. In August of 2019 a Planning Committee was formed to begin work on writing and submitting the DPI charter school grant. The Planning Committee included members from the community (former school board members, KVR instructors, business owners, etc.), along with Jonel Kiesau (KVR Education Director), Meaghan Gustafson (La Farge School District Superintendent) and Robin Hosemann (KVR Assistant Education Coordinator). The successful grant award for the Kickapoo Valley Forest School was received in June of 2020. The La Farge School Board and the KVR Management Board voted unanimously to support the Kickapoo Valley Forest School which will be held on the grounds of the KVR.
What is a charter school?
KVFS is a charter school that is an instrumentality of the La Farge School District (LFSD). This means that LFSD helps to operate the school in capacities such as employing KVFS teachers and staff, helping with school finances, and providing data for state reports. This also means that all federal and state funding go directly to LFSD and not some other outside entity. The LFSD is the Authorizer of KVFS. This means that LFSD ensures KVFS is accountable for the quality of education and safety of students. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction states that Charter schools are given “autonomy with increased accountability.” This means charter schools are able to teach an innovative curriculum as long as they can show that students are achieving at or above their peers in the district. All charter schools have a Governance Council (GC). We recommend you check out our Leadership page to learn more about our KVFS GC. Each month the GC meets in a public meeting. All are welcome to come and listen. Attending meetings is a great way to learn more about the operation of our school. All Minutes and Agendas for these GC meetings can be found on our KVFS website.
How do we enroll our child for the 2025-2026 school year?
Applications will be accepted during the open enrollment time period which begins in February of 2025.
All forms will be available at the La Farge School District office, the Kickapoo Valley Forest School Office and on our website. If you reside in the La Farge School District there will be one enrollment form to fill out. If you live out of the district then you will also have to complete an open enrollment form.
It is very important to get your paperwork completed and turned into the La Farge Elementary School Office on time and within the enrollment period.
Please note: if there are more applicants than student spaces available a lottery will be held.
How many classes and students will there be?
2021/22 school year: 4K and Kindergarten (2 classes)
2022/23 School year: Two 4K/Kindergarten & one 1st Grade (3 classes)
2023/24 School year: Two 4K/K & Two 1st/2nd Grade (4 classes)
2024/2025 School year: Two 4K/5K, one 1st grade, one 2nd grade, one third grade
How many teachers will work in the school?
There will be one teacher and one other adult for each class of 16 students.
What will the class size be? Will classes be multi-age?
Each class will have a maximum of 16 students. Some classes will be multi-age. This will allow teachers to develop deeper relationships and better understand their students. This will also foster a family of learners who help and inspire each other to be their best.
Will programming be available for full or half days?
We offer full-day programming. If you choose to send your child half-day, your child must be picked up from school. All students over the age of 6 must attend school full time.
Will enrollment preference be given to LFSD residents?
No. All applicants will be pooled.
What if my child has an IEP or 504 plan?
Students with an IEP or a 504 plan will receive services in accordance with their IEP and dependent upon each individual’s needs. The schedule to receive services will be dependent upon each individual student's needs.
Will the students make art and play music?
Yes! Art and singing will be part of each day. We will be working with a holistic and integrated curriculum. For example, when we are studying water we will be singing about water, painting with watercolors, playing in water, observing water, sharing stories and reading books about water, etc. Our curriculum offers so many opportunities for children to have immersive experiences in art and music connected to their exploration of the natural world.
What can we do to support the school?
There are a few things you could help us with!
Talk to your friends!
Direct your friends to our Facebook Page and Instragram page @kickapoovalleyforestschool
Continue to look for updates on the Kickapoo Valley Forest School website.
Get involved: Contact Jonel Kiesau at to volunteer!
What will the Curriculum be?
Our Curriculum Team (Ximena Puig and Julia Buckingham) developed and will continue to refine a Place-Based Forest School model of learning that is directly tailored to the Kickapoo Valley Reserve, La Farge and the surrounding Driftless community.
KVFS will be based on the Forest School model and other child-centered pedagogies.
Our curriculum team is developing a Monthly Themes Guide, a Skills Booklet and a Staff Handbook to help guide best practices around forest schooling and ensuring that all of our children receive developmentally appropriate skill-building opportunities.
Our Monthly Themes Guide, along with our Skills Booklet and hands on materials, are all aligned to one or more of the following standards: Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards (WMELS), Next Generation Science Standards, Wisconsin Standards for Social Studies, Math, and English Language Arts. Additional standards for Art & Design, Music, and Physical Education will also be noted.
See our Curriculum page for more detailed information.
How will my child learn basic skills like reading, writing, and math?
Children will gain valuable academic skills from hands-on materials and daily experiences with nature. While playing and being outdoors for the majority of each day, children will be able to practice and reflect on their skills as they relate to the world around them. Students will be introduced to math and language concepts using hands-on materials and stories. Our teacher’s role is that of a guide to help children identify real life extensions of these concepts while out on daily adventures. Children will gain a rich vocabulary, enhance reading and writing skills, and practice math skills as they discover natural treasures. Teachers will track student progress using our Skills Assessment checklist, which will correlate to our curriculum and also all standards met by LFSD students.
What will the daily format/schedule be?
Our school day runs from: 8:05 AM - 3:05 PM Monday through Friday
*note times are subject to change
4K and 5K multi-age classrooms will have full day programming.
All school closures and holidays will follow the La Farge School District schedule.
Our sample Daily Schedule will fit the needs of each individual classroom and is subject to change.
Example Daily Schedule for 4K-5K multi-age classrooms:
Winter Schedule
7:50-8:30 Group Forest Exploration
Teachers and Paraeducator greet children and families.
Children transition into morning play space.
8:30- 9:00 Morning Snack unless taking it along on our hike
9:00- 9:15 Group Morning Circle (seasonal songs, poems, group games)
9:15- 11:15 Small Group Morning Adventure/Hike
What is new today? What does the air feel like? Who did we see on our walk?
Opportunity to tune into the environment, bodies, peer interactions, and for teachers to check in with individual students.
10:30 Storytelling; seasonal, cultural and relevant
11:30 Group Lunch
12:00-12:30 Group Games/ Sledding
12:30-1:00 Rest/ Quiet Work
1:00-2:15 Indoor Work
2:15- 2:55 Group Forest Exploration
2:55-3:00 End of Day Circle and Phenology Journal
3:00-3:05 Dismissal Procedures
**The warmer month schedule is a bit different. Teachers offer additional hands-on materials during the 9:15-11:15 time. In addition to extended time for forest play, this student-directed work time will give students opportunities to engage with mud-kitchen supplies, sensory materials for math, drawing materials, literacy materials, cooking, books, art creation, skills materials (carving, sawing, knot tying, digging, raking, shoveling), climbing, etc. are available. Additionally in warmer months, the afternoon work period moves outdoors.
Will there be indoor classroom/learning spaces and how often will they be used?
Our indoor spaces will be our hubs. We call them Homerooms. These Homerooms are where supplies are kept, attendance is taken, gear is stored and certain activities like rest time and lunch on really cold days take place. During our Homeroom time students will have the choice to work indoors or out of doors on a variety of activities. Our Homeroom space will be used daily, though we will do most of our learning and playing outside.
What is the long-term vision for the school? Could KVFS be extended past 2nd grade?
Currently we are planning to use the growth model to add a new grade on each year through 5th grade.
What is the integration/transition plan for students “graduating” out of the Forest School and into another educational setting?
Children who spend time in nature gain a strong sense of self-confidence, awareness of the world, and integration of physical and intellectual development. This allows children to excel in academic environments. The La Farge School District has many opportunities for students in the older grades to experience programs at the KVR and through other means, thus continuing their engagement in nature and inquiry-based learning.
Who are the teachers?
We currently have four wonderful teachers working with four assistant teachers. Please check out our teachers bios on the website Leadership page. If you are interested in teaching at KVFS please contact the La Farge District Administrator, Meaghan Gustafson at
Are there concerns about drawing enrollment from La Farge Elementary?
We are excited to offer an opportunity to draw students into the La Farge School District. The Kickapoo Valley Forest School will be a great fit for many children and their families. We anticipate drawing in students who otherwise may have chosen other routes of education other than the La Farge School District. Charter Schools have shown to be a positive presence to rural districts as a whole.
Please let us know if you have any more questions. You can email and ask away!